Let’s show you transparency

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. It’s how we make money. But this does not influence our evaluations and our editorial integrity remains intact.

At CashCrescent we have strict editorial integrity. That means we are dedicated to bringing accurate, fact-checked, and error-free content to your doorstep. The carefully selected editorial team at CashCrescent caters to a diverse audience with different financial situations, experiences, and viewpoints. Our goal, always, is to connect with our readers, provide answers to their questions, and earn their trust. 

Our editorial integrity is a core value that shapes our missionour editorial transparency, and our commitment to our readers.

Our mission

CashCrescent exists to help you make informed financial decisions, so you can be smarter with your rands.

Editorial transparency

Being transparent with our readers is a key principle of ours. CashCrescent believes that honesty is the best policy. There are many sites that do what we do, but they don’t do it the way we do it. 

Our brand of true editorial integrity and 100% transparency are hard to come by because we go the extra mile to provide you with the whole picture. 

We not only recommend products from our advertising partners, but we also include products from partners we have no relationship with. So while we make money through referrals, we still have our readers’ best interests at heart. 

Additionally, we are upfront about how we make money. We make money by promoting financial products offered by our partners. All our advertiser offerings are vetted, and our ratings and guidance remain objective. 

Commitment to our readers

We put our readers first because that’s the only way our business model can work. Our commitment to the community is seen in the following ways:

We aim to build long-term relationships with our readers and to solve their problems in the best way possible. This is more important to us than revenue.

Our content aims to help all readers make financial decisions with confidence.

We use verifiably reputable sources, and our content is written by financial experts.

Our reviews of financial products are written objectively. We compare many financial options on your behalf and guide you so you’re empowered to make informed decisions that help you achieve financial health.

All content is fact-checked for accuracy and updated regularly so it remains relevant. If by any chance there’s an error or mistake on our part, we promptly correct it.

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